Gymnázium, Trutnov, Jiráskovo náměstí 325 se sídlem Jiráskovo náměstí 325, 541 01 Trutnov
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Zveřejnili jsme kritéria přijímacího řízení 2025. Více informací na odkazu níže.
Mock Trial
Last week, after weeks of preparation, students in 4.X, 3.A, and 7.X took part in a mock trial simulation! The purpose of this activity was to introduce Czech students to the American legal system, demonstrating its unique qualities, both its strengths and limits. The fictional case, entitled “Trutnov v. Trutnovsky,” involved a stolen dragon from the town square by Ondra Trutnovsky. Students were responsible for playing attorneys, witnesses, judges, and jurors, crafting cases based on materials they were given. This was no easy task -- students had to prepare direct and cross examination questions, learn how to object, and communicate concisely, all while respecting the etiquette of the courtroom. We even had various students play the defendant! In the end, jurors in each class came to a different verdict: in 4.X, Ondra Trutnovsky was found guilty, in 3.A, not guilty, and in 7.X, after heated deliberation, the jury was split and undecided, an outcome known as a “hung jury.”
We are so proud of the students for their hard work, commitment, and dedication to the simulation. It was such a pleasure to put together, and thank you to Ms. Noskova and Ms. Kranatova for their collaboration on the project!