Program GaussSeidel3; uses crt; const MM=30; var a: array[1..MM,1..MM] of real; b: array[1..MM] of real; x: array[1..MM] of real; xx: array[1..MM] of real; i,ii,j,k,q,p,N,M:integer; begin clrscr; writeln('Reseni M linearnich rovnic o M neznamych:'); write('Zadej pocet neznamych (max.30):');readln(M); for i:=1 to M DO for j:=1 to M do begin write('zadej a[',i,j,']:');readln(a[i,j]); end; for ii:=1 to M do begin write('zadej b[',ii,']:');readln(b[ii]); end ; for ii:=1 to M do x[ii]:=b[ii]; write ('Zadej kolik iteraci chces provest:'); readln(N); writeln;writeln; for k:=1 to N do begin for i:=1 to M do begin xx[i]:=0; for j:=1 to M do if i<>j then if i